Sunday 15 July 2012


I'm no Art historian and not at all an art writer but at the moment my job is incredibly exciting with Jenny Saville's first UK solo exhibition. There is a buzz around the gallery I cannot explain.
Usually during an exhibition I change my mind on my favourite painting literally everyday, but this one painting keeps drawing itself to me and I find myself always coming back to it and feeling differently towards it.
Reverse fills me with emotion, although I'm aware of the background subject matter which is surgery my mind drifts towards the idea that this woman is just lying emotionless and numb like she has done something with huge regret. Its like she is directly staring at you with the hurt in her eyes.
Saville is an incredible artist who has really touched a lot of visitors hearts with her raw subject matter and the way she paints a story into a picture.
Her paintings not only invite your brain to engage with the character but it makes you shudder from the pure talent this woman has as a painter.
I cannot stress how much people should come and visit this show at Modern Art Oxford, take advantage of the arts being on your doorstep and not only that it won't cost you penny. (although a £5 donation is always nice)

Oil on Canvas

1 comment:

  1. Lovely blog! would you mind following each other via bloglovin? :) x

    /Malin @
