Saturday 28 May 2011


Had a week full of mixed emotions Good news I've been shortlisted for an internship at Channel 4, finally might get to put my 6 years worth of slogging over film theory to the test. Bad News our family pet Yolande the rescue hamster decided she had enough and parted from us :(
But the main excitement of this week was that i got to visually merchandise and decorate the Modern Art Oxford Shop does not sound like a big deal but to me it really was, it was nice to actually get paid and appreciated for something i love doing.
Its been a very fun week I have a few pics that show the week off, to anyone that hasn't merchandised before this will mean F all to you but to me it was 3 hours work which lead to wanting to make love to the wall i had just slaved over and changed a billion and one times.

This whole wall was my project and im in love <3

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